Welcome to the Website of A c t i v i t i e s f o r h a p p y d o g s !
I am Carole and I’ve been a dog trainer for many years. This website was created as my project at the end of my International Dog Training Education with Turid RUGAAS, President of the PDTE – Pet Dog Trainers of Europe, which took place from November 2015 to November 2016 at Chien presque parfait, the school of Paulina DRURI, in France.
The website is full of ideas of activities to organise for our 4-legged friends. It also includes some basic principles to ensure that these activities take place in the best possible way, with respect, fun and togetherness.
The “recipes” are only general guidelines: let’s not follow them blindly, without asking ourselves if one or more adaptations are necessary for our dog, according to his physical abilities, mental capacities and experience (or lack of experience).
The basic principle is that these are fun activities, games, fun pursuits. Let’s not put pressure on ourselves, and above all, let’s not put pressure on our dogs!
I wish you and your dog many wonderful and enoyable moments of play!